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Every U Does Good

We are working every day to create a better world. It has been our purpose – and part of our business – for over a hundred years.

World scene with characters and Unilever logo. Farmer plants crop. Trees, sun, hills, wind farm

We are implementing our global mission to do good: to reduce negative impacts on the environment, deliver better support employees and partners, and ensure that communities thrive continually.

And when you brush, rub, taste, or sip one of our products, you are participating in the good work that we are now doing.

Then, imagine if right now, millions of people around the world were also brushing, scrubbing, tasting or sipping the same things you do?! The impact will be huge!

There is still much to do, but together, we can create a better world.

Every U Does Good.

Every "U" Works towards Sustainable Living

We believe in ‘doing well by doing good’ principle that very much aligns with our “The Unilever Compass” focus.

Find more about our plans.
Multi-character planet and society scene. Earth and purple moon, Every U Does Good.

Every Lifebuoy educates handwashing

Handwashing can save lives. Every time you purchase Lifebuoy, you help educate millions of Indonesians on the importance of clean and healthy living.

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Every Sunlight Supports Women to Be a Foodpreneurs

Empowered women provide the best for their families and society.

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Every Pepsodent Supports Oral Care Health and Education

7 out of 10 children in Indonesia suffer from cavities.

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Every Bango Develops Sustainable Agriculture

Food security relies heavily on sustainable agricultural practices.

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Every U Can Do Good goodness

We believe that every one of you can do goodness in various ways, even very simple ones.

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EUDG Indonesia illustration
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