Every Rexona Supports Indonesians to Actively Move
Let's move together towards a healthier Indonesia!
We are implementing our global mission to do good: to reduce negative impacts on the environment, deliver better support employees and partners, and ensure that communities thrive continually.
And when you brush, rub, taste, or sip one of our products, you are participating in the good work that we are now doing.
Then, imagine if right now, millions of people around the world were also brushing, scrubbing, tasting or sipping the same things you do?! The impact will be huge!
There is still much to do, but together, we can create a better world.
Every U Does Good.
Let's move together towards a healthier Indonesia!
Happiness is a choice. Choose to always be happy and spread it to everyone!
Every woman should have the courage to step forward and achieve her dreams.
In this very dynamic era nowadays, young people must be able to face all challenges.
Don’t you know, you are beautiful just the way you are!
Royco is committed to providing nutritional goodness to every delicious meal as a healthy family is the foundation for a developed and prosperous nation.
We believe everyone deserves a healthy, well-maintained skin.
Communication through meaningful conversations is the basis for realizing a strong family.
Getting dirty is great, but what if your child's playground is filled with plastic waste?
Empowered women help advance the nation.
Be healthy through the power of fruit!