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About Unilever Indonesia

Established on 5 December 1933, Unilever Indonesia has grown to become one of Indonesia’s leading Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) companies that always accompanies Indonesians in their daily lives through products such as Pepsodent, Lux, Lifebuoy, Dove, Sunsilk, Clear, Rexona, Vaseline, Rinso, Molto, Sunlight, Wall’s, Royco, Bango and more.

Unilever Indonesia’s shares were first offered to the public in 1981 and have been listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange since 11 January 1982.

Unilever Indonesia is currently headquartered in Tangerang. It has more than 40 brands and nine factories located in the industrial areas of Jababeka, Cikarang and Rungkut, Surabaya. Our factories and products have also received halal certification from the Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI).

More than 4,000 employees contribute to the advancement of our business. Our people are our most important asset, and we believe that continuous capacity building of human resources can support the Company to remain competitive.

Unilever is a company built on purpose: purpose sits at the heart of everything we do – whether as an employee, a brand or a company. After more than 87 years, our purpose has never changed; we want to make sustainable living commonplace. We always strive to create a better future every day through our products and campaigns. We also inspire people to take small actions in their daily lives to make a difference for this world.

We are determined to manage and implement our business in a responsible and sustainable manner so that it can continue to grow while reducing environmental impacts and increasing positive social impacts.

Since 2010, Unilever's sustainability commitments, as stated in the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan (USLP) strategies, have provided significant benefits for both the public and the environment. Now, after more than a decade of the USLP’s implementation in Indonesia, the Company is strengthening its commitment to grow a sustainable business that is purpose-led (relevant), and future-fit (ready to compete in the future); this strategy is called The Unilever Compass. We have three core beliefs: brands with purpose will grow, companies with purpose will last and people with purpose will thrive.

The Unilever Compass has the following three main focuses: (1) Improve the health of the planet, (2) Improve people’s health, confidence and wellbeing, and (3) Contribute to a fairer, more socially inclusive world.

We believe in promoting a brighter future. For this reason, businesses should be able to be part of the solutions to the various problems the world is now facing.

Unilever Indonesia’s Journey

Unilever Indonesia was first established on December 5, 1933 under the name “Lever's Zeepfabrieken NV”, which was located in the Angke area, North Jakarta, based on deed No. 23 of Mr. AH van Ophuijsen, notary in Batavia. This deed was approved by General Geoual van Nederlandsch-Indie, based on letter No. 14 on 16 December 1933, registered at the Raad van Justitie in Batavia with No. 302 on 22 December 1933 and published in the Javasche Courant on 9 January 1934. Supplement No. 3

On July 22, 1980, the company’s name was changed to “PT Unilever Indonesia” with the issuance of deed no. 171 from the notary Mrs. Kartini Muljadi SH. It was once again changed on June 30, 1997 to "PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk" with deed No. 92 public notaries Mr. Mudofir Hadi SH. This deed was approved by the Minister of Justice in Decree No. C2-1.049HT.01.04 TH.98 dated February 23, 1998 and announced in the State Gazette. 2620 dated 15 May 1998, Supplement No. 39.

Then, on November 22, 2000, Unilever Indonesia signed an agreement with PT Anugrah Indah Pelangi, to establish a new company, namely PT Anugrah Lever (PT AL) which was engaged in the manufacturing, development, marketing and sales of soy sauce, chili sauce and other sauces under Bango and other brands under the company license to PT AL.

Two years later, on July 3, 2002, Unilever Indonesia made another agreement with Texchem Resources Berhad to establish a new company, namely PT Technopia Lever, which was engaged in the distribution, export and import of goods under the trademark Domestos Nomos. On November 7, 2003, Texchem Resources Berhad signed a share purchase agreement with Technopia Singapore Pte. Ltd, in which Texchem Resources Berhad agreed to sell all of its shares in PT Technopia Lever to Technopia Singapore Pte. Ltd.

At the company's Extraordinary General Meeting on December 8, 2003, Unilever Indonesia received approval from its minority shareholders to acquire PT Knorr Indonesia (PT KI) shares from Unilever Overseas Holdings Limited (a related party). This acquisition was effective on the date of signing of the share purchase agreement between the company and Unilever Overseas Holdings Limited on January 21, 2004.

On 30 July 2004, Unilever Indonesia merged with PT KI, using a similar method in the pooling of interest. This is the company that we know now, and there are no other separate legal entities. This merger is in accordance with the approval of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) in letter No. 740 / III / PMA / 2004 dated July 9, 2004.

In 2007, the company signed a conditional agreement to purchase the "Buavita" and "Gogo" brands, which were Vitality fruit-based drinks from Ultra. The transaction was completed in January 2008.

Historical Timeline

1933 – Unilever was established under the name Lever’s Zeepfabrieken NV in Angke, Jakarta.

1936 – Lux Soap gained presence in Indonesia.

1982 – Unilever Indonesia went public, listing 15% of its shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, with stock code UNVR.

1990 – The Personal Care factory was opened in Rungkut, Surabaya. The Company entered the tea business with the acquisition of SariWangi.

1992 – The ice cream factory was opened in Cikarang. Conello and Paddle Pop appeared in the market for the first time.

2001 – Bango was acquired, which marked Unilever Indonesia's first step into the soy sauce business.

2008 – Asia’s largest Skin Care factory was built at our Cikarang site. The Company entered the fruit juice business by acquiring the Buavita and Gogo brands. SAP was implemented throughout Unilever Indonesia.

2012 – Unilever Indonesia successfully doubled its business within five years and recorded a sales more than Rp27 trillion.

2013 – Unilever Indonesia celebrated its 80-year journey in Indonesia by launching “Project Sunlight” to inspire people to create a brighter future not only for their children, but also for future generations.

2014 – The “Bitobe for Indonesia” program was launched as part of Lifebuoy’s long-term commitment to a healthier Indonesia.

2015 – Six hectares were opened for the 9th factory in Cikarang. An annual production capacity of seven million units of seasonings and soy sauce was achieved.

2016 – Moved to the Green Building BSD City, Tangerang. The new three-hectare head office housing around 1,500 employees was inaugurated in 2017.

2017 – Thirty-five years of Unilever Indonesia’s shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange was commemorated. Since the IPO in 1982, the Company's shares have increased by more than 1,570 times and assets have grown more than 110 times.

2018 – A new category was launched: the chili sauce category. This was done through the Jawara chili sauce brand. In addition, the new Korean Glow body care brand was also launched. Spread category assets were divested on July 2, 2018 with a transaction value of IDR 2.8 trillion.

2019 – Shareholder approval was obtained for the change in the nominal value of the Company's shares from a par value of Rp10 (ten Rupiah) per share to Rp2 (two Rupiah) per share due to a stock split effective January 2, 2020.

2020 – The #MariBerbagiPeran campaign was launched, which was committed to providing Rp200 billion to help the Indonesian public survive during the Covid-19 pandemic.

2021 – The “Unilever Muslim Center of Excellence” (Unilever MCOE) was launched as a sharia economics and insight centre to develop various innovations and products to better address the needs of Unilever’s Muslim consumers in Indonesia and the world.

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