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BAZNAS, Bango and Royco Hold a Grand Iftar at the Istiqlal Mosque


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"Berbagi Sajian Lezat Penuh Kebaikan" program which is distributing 50,000 free iftar packages

The National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS), in collaboration with Unilever Indonesia and through the Bango and Royco brands, held a grand iftar event for worshipers and mustahik at the Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta, Friday (3/15/2024). This activity continues the cooperation between the two parties, which this time comes through the "Berbagi Sajian Lezat Penuh Kebaikan" program, which is distributing 50,000 free iftar packages to 24 cities in Indonesia. Today's event involved more than 5,000 people and was attended by the Board of Directors of Unilever Indonesia, the leadership of BAZNAS RI, and the Grand Imam of the Istiqlal Mosque.

Head of BAZNAS RI for Collection H. Rizaludin Kurniawan, S.Ag, M.Si. CFRM. said, the "Berbagi Sajian Lezat Penuh Kebaikan" program is a concretely manifests the spirit of togetherness as we share the blessings of Ramadan to use this holy month as a momentum to strengthen brotherhood with others.

According to Rizaludin, BAZNAS again collaborated with Bango and Royco as partners to implement social programs aimed at improving the quality of life of people in need. After conducting various forms of cooperation, including at the beginning of 2024 through the distribution of 10,000 basic food packages to the poor, this time BAZNAS, Bango and Royco are again distributing delicious and nutritious free iftar packages in accordance with the "Isi Piringku" guidelines and Halalan Thayyiban principles.

"We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all parties who have participated in the success of this program, especially those who have collaborated with us as well as all the volunteers who have been dedicatedly involved in implementing this program," Rizaludin said.

Meanwhile, the Director of Nutrition Unilever Indonesia, Amaryllis Esti Wijono stated: "For decades, Bango and Royco have continuously strived to provide goodness through various innovations and programs, which have led to a commitment to improve public health by fulfilling balanced nutritional needs. This is especially true during Ramadan, which is not only a special moment for Muslims to get closer to Allah by improving the quality of faith and piety, but also to fellow humans by strengthening care for others."

Sharing kindness or giving alms to those in need is a noble and recommended form of practice. Of all the forms of charity, nutritionally balanced food is one of the most important because it can help others stay strong and healthy while carrying out their fasting obligations.

"For this reason, together with BAZNAS we will distribute a total of 50,000 free iftar packages to 24 cities; Jakarta, Banjarmasin, Bojonegoro, Bone, Cirebon, Jombang, Kendari, Lampung, Madiun, Makassar, Malang, Medan, Padang, Palangkaraya, Pamekasan, Pekanbaru, Ponorogo, Purwokerto, Solo, Surabaya, Tasikmalaya, Tuban, Tulungagung, and Yogyakarta. Not only that, but also in each city we will also disseminate education about the importance of eating Halalan Thayyiban food, especially during Ramadan," Amaryllis continued.

Prof. Dr. KH Nasaruddin Umar, MA as the Grand Imam of the Istiqlal Mosque and also the host of today's event, responded: "When we share with others during Ramadan, the food given should be Halalan Thayyiban. Halal means that it meets all the requirements of halalness, from the ingredients used to the way it is processed; Thayyib is that which provides benefits to the body. For breakfasting, Thayyib food is nutritionally balanced.”

”In addition, its deliciousness also needs to be considered so that it can enhance the pleasure and gratitude when breaking the fast. Finally, with both Halal and Thayyib aspects fulfilled, Insyaa Allah, alms in the form of food will bring many benefits to those who consume it."

During the month of Ramadan, this program will reach out to mustahiks consisting of the poor, orphans, and students and female students in Islamic boarding schools. The iftar packages include delicious, nutritionally balanced food according to the "Isi Piringku" guidelines, including fried chicken and egg stews that are not only delicious but also rich in animal protein that the body absolutely needs while fasting.

Zaskia Adya Mecca, a celebrity known for her social awareness, commented: "For some of us, breaking our fast with a delicious, nutritionally balanced meal is a necessity. But for many people in need, this is a luxury that they may not be able to enjoy every day. I see the event that Bango and Royco are doing today as very beneficial, where we can share kindness with others in the form of very basic needs, namely adequate nutrition while fasting. Insyaa Allah, this activity can bring blessings to all."

Before the Grand Iftar event, today thousands of Istiqlal Mosque worshipers also attended Tabligh Akbar, which presented a well-known preacher, Habib Hussein bin Ja'far Al Hadar, S.Fil.I., M.Ag or known as Habib Ja'far. He delivered an inspiring message about the virtues of sharing during Ramadan, especially through Halalan Thayyiban food.

Regarding the organization of today's event, Prof. Nasaruddin said: "Unilever Indonesia has long been friendly with the Istiqlal Mosque, namely in sharing for the benefit of the people. Thank you to Unilever; it is extraordinary how they have given the most to the people through their various products. In fact, Unilever is the company that is the friendliest to the people - just like today's event, which is fully supported by Unilever products, namely Bango and Royco."

In the future, the distribution of free iftar packages will be carried out in stages in 23 other cities involving the Regional BAZNAS to ensure that it is carried out smoothly and on target. In addition, in this collaboration BAZNAS, Bango and Royco also invite the public to share kindness through the purchase of 25,000 Paket Ramadhan Bahagia, which will be donated to orphans and the poor.

"Insyaa Allah, this series of activities will be able to inspire all parties to continue to compete in sharing kindness, especially during Ramadan, when the fulfillment of balanced nutrition Insyaa Allah will be able to help others to worship more solemnly and meaningfully," concluded Amaryllis.

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