With the theme “Berani Unjuk Gigi, Dukung Senyum Indonesia Lebih Kuat”, BKGN 2024 once again offers free dental checkups and treatments as well as the teledentistry service "Tanya Dokter Gigi by Pepsodent," now enhanced with Pepsodent AI Denta-Scan technology. In a special highlight, the launch of BKGN 2024 also marks the beginning of Pepsodent's support as the Official Oral Care Partner for the Indonesian National Soccer Team.
BKGN is an annual program that has been held since September 12, 2010, and was later designated as National Dental Health Day (HKGN) by the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2011. This year, HKGN carries the theme “Senyum Sehat, Indonesia Maju” – embracing collaboration to strengthen networks and partnerships among stakeholders to maintain all Indonesians’ oral health.
Distya Tarworo Endri, Head of Marketing Oral Care and Professional Marketing at Unilever Indonesia, stated: “Oral health has long been a focus for Unilever Indonesia, which aligns with the mission of one of our brands, Pepsodent, to enhance oral health through education and provide care for #SenyumIndonesia. As part of our commitment to protect healthy smiles in Indonesia, today we are launching National Oral Health Month (BKGN), which is now in its 15th year.”
“Every year, BKGN provides free dental checkups and treatments to both dental faculties and educational dental and oral hospitals in Indonesia, along with a series of educational activities in schools that benefited over 1.1 million people by 2023.”
“We are grateful that BKGN has been encouraging people to brush their teeth at the right times: after meals and before bed, as well as increasing awareness about regularly consultations with a dentist at least every six months. This achievement serves to make a broader impact, inviting all members of society to proudly show their teeth with stronger Indonesian smiles,” continued Distya.
As a result of implementing BKGN, the percentage of people brushing their teeth at the right times has more than doubled: from 2.8% (Basic Health Research/Riskesdas 2018) to 6.2% (Indonesian Health Survey/SKI 2023). Additionally, while Riskesdas 2018 reported that 94.9% of people did not consult with a dentist within a year, this figure improved to 91.2% in SKI 2023.
drg. Ratu Mirah Afifah, GCClinDent., MDSc., Head of Professional Marketing Personal Care at Unilever Indonesia explained: “To drive this positive change, since 2020 BKGN has been supported by the teledentistry service “Tanya Dokter Gigi by Pepsodent,” which can be easily accessed via a QR code on Pepsodent Pencegah Gigi Berlubang toothpaste packaging. Supported by the expertise of thousands of dentists from PDGI, AFDOKGI, and ARSGMPI, over 140,000 people have used this service.”
“To provide even more comprehensive experience and benefits, in BKGN 2024, Pepsodent has been enhancing this service with Pepsodent AI Denta-Scan technology. This begins with a virtual greeting from Hamish Daud, followed by an initial oral health screening processed and generated through AI technology. Based on the screening results, users will be directed to further consult with available dentists via chat or video call. All features of Pepsodent AI Denta-Scan will be accessible to the public starting at the end of September 2024,” continued drg. Mirah.
Hamish Daud, Pepsodent Brand Ambassador said this: “I am very happy to be a part of this AI-based teledentistry service. Not only does it feel more personal, but it is also very easy to use, thanks to the detailed and comprehensive guidance. Moreover, since Indonesian society is already very familiar with AI technology, I am confident that this innovation will bring its own benefits and dispel the stigma that consulting with a dentist is a frightening experience.”
Not only does it benefit its users, but this AI-based service is also benefits dentists. drg. Tari Tritarayati, SH. MHKes, Secretary-General of the PDGI explained: “This AI-based teledentistry service is very valuable in the field of dentistry because it serves as a tool for oral health education; it functions as a screening stage and provides referrals for further treatment at healthcare facilities. Therefore, for large-scale promotional and preventive activities like BKGN 2024, the service equipped with Pepsodent AI Denta-Scan technology is very strategic and can encourage the public, including athletes, to consult with dentists more regularly.”
Prof. drg. Suryono, S.H., M.M., Ph.D., Chairman of AFDOKGI added an interesting fact about the oral health of athletes, particularly football players: “A study of 187 professional football players in England found that 37% had active dental caries, 53% experienced dental erosion, and 5% suffered from incurable periodontal disease.”
“As a result, 45% were disturbed by these conditions, and 27% reported negative impacts on their quality of life or performance on the field[a]. Therefore, their oral health must be consistently maintained, one way being through regular checkups with a dentist.”
To protect the oral health of our national soccer team athletes, at BKGN 2024, Pepsodent also announced its collaboration as the Official Oral Care Partner of the Indonesian National Soccer Team.
drg. Mirah explained: “Amidst the efforts of the national team players defending Indonesia, they must be in optimal physical condition, particularly regarding their oral health. To support them, the teledentistry service with Pepsodent AI Denta-Scan technology assists in the players' oral health. It allows them to better understand their dental condition and receive an initial screening that can be followed up with a visit to the nearest educational dental and oral hospital.”
Dr. drg. Julita Hendrartini, M.Kes, AAK, Chairman of ARSGMPI responded: “Teledentistry using Pepsodent AI Denta-Scan technology is a crucial first step. Broader access is needed so that people can follow up their oral health issues with direct visits to dentists, such as those available at BKGN 2024. With a target of reaching 29,000 patients, 30 dental faculties and educational dental and oral hospitals with well-equipped and nationally accredited facilities are ready to provide free follow-up care to those in need.”
In addition, supported by 70 PDGI branches, BKGN 2024 will also provide education, free dental checkups, and treatments through the Program Sekolah – including for children with special needs in inclusive schools, students in football schools, and orphans across various regions in Indonesia.
In her closing remarks, drg. Mirah expressed her hope: “We hope that all the facilities and services we provide can help the public achieve healthier teeth and mouths so that we can all proudly show our smiles for a stronger Indonesia. See you at BKGN 2024, which will take place from September to December!”
Poor oral health including active caries in 187 UK professional male football players: clinical dental examination performed by dentists: https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/50/1/41