Activities in offices and schools have begun to be carried out face-to-face. This is because the status of the Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities, commonly called PPKM Jabodetabek, is at level 1, which means that companies are allowed to implement work from the office at 100 percent capacity.
Provisions can carry out activities outside must first ensure that boosters are conducted for people aged 18 years and over. This is useful for increasing the body's immunity in fighting the Covid-19 virus. This situation can be said to be an endemic period, which means that the disease still exists, but it is no longer an epidemic. In other words, it is at the end of the pandemic period (Source Kemenko PMK). In dealing with this situation, hygiene behavior will play a major role in daily life to prevent transmission of the virus.
In addition to the Covid-19 virus, there are several other viruses and bacteria that we must be aware of because they can infect the body and cause diseases, for example infectious diseases of respiratory tract infections (colds and flu), intestinal infections (food poisoning, norovirus or vomiting), skin and eye infections caused by bacteria, fungi or viruses. These various viruses and bacteria are infections that occur through a series of events commonly called chains of infection.
During transmission, the chain of infection has five links. If one link is broken or eliminated, the transmission of infection can be prevented:

1. Pathogen Sources
It is a place where infectious agents (microorganisms) can live, grow, and multiply until they are ready to be transmitted to other humans. Usually this source of infection is found in humans, pets, contaminated food and water.
2. Routes/exits
An exit route is where microorganisms leave the zone through the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract and fluids from food.
3. Mode of Transmission
- Contact, consisting of direct and indirect contact. Direct contact is surface-to-surface transmission while indirect contact is transmission that requires an "intermediary."
- Droplets
- The transmission of microorganisms through coughing, sneezing, talking and when performing special actions.
- Airborne (air)
- Transmission occurs when inhaling air containing pathogenic microorganisms.
4. How it enters the body
Microorganisms enter the susceptible body through the airway, gastrointestinal tract, urinary and genital tracts or through exposed/injured skin.
5. Infected persons
A person with decreased immunity who is unable to fight the infectious agent.
As mentioned in the explanations above, the spread of this infection can be stopped by breaking the chain of infection by focusing on hygiene behavior according to time and place to reduce the risk of exposure to harmful viruses and bacteria. So what steps must be taken to break the chain of infection?
Things that must be considered clean when doing outdoor activities, namely:
- Activity preparation
Activity preparation is an activity to prepare yourself for the equipment that must be brought to prevent this virus. The equipment includes masks, hand sanitizers, and bringing food and drink supplies so that what we consume is more hygienic. - Self-care efforts
As an effort to protect yourself from exposure to the Covid-19 virus, you can take actions such as wearing a mask, maintaining distance, not touching or borrowing other people's items, and always having the awareness to wash your hands regularly using soap or a hand sanitizer before eating, after coughing / sneezing, and after using the toilet. - When you get home
Efforts that can be made after doing activities and returning home include: immediately taking a shower, washing equipment and clothes immediately, and disposing of disposable masks.
In this transitional period, we are advised to bring our own lunches and cutlery. Plastic lunch boxes are most commonly used because they are lightweight and shatterproof. After being carried all day to the office or school, the lunchbox becomes less hygienic and even causes unpleasant odors. If left too long, it can attract dirt and bacteria and become a source of disease. So, what is the right way to clean it?
- Wash the lunchbox immediately
Immediately wash the lunch box using antibacterial dish soap to clean all traces of fat on the lunchbox and cutlery as well as kill bacteria. If there is still oil attached, you can soak the lunchbox in warm water that has been given dishwashing soap for a while, then wash it thoroughly. - Dry the lunchbox
After washing, dry your lunchbox immediately. Dry it using a clean cloth or paper towel. - Storage
Store your lunchbox in a dry and non-humid place.
Always remember to apply hygienic behavior according to the steps above and keep your distance when doing activities outside the home. Let's prepare the best for yourself and your family at home, because health is expensive.
- Developing household hygiene to meet 21st century needs: A collaborative industry/academia report on cleaning and disinfection in homes & Analysis of European consumers’ hygiene beliefs and behaviour in 2020 - By A.I.S.E. (International Association for soaps, detergents and maintenance products) & IFH (International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene)
- Too clean or not too clean? The Case for Targeted Hygiene in the Home and Everyday Life - Royal Society for Public Health
- The photo icon in Figure 1 from free canva elements