We all want to be pampered and look both beautiful and confident. That's why Lux offers an array of beauty products with a wide selection of luxurious fragrances from exotic flowers around the world. Lux now comes in the form of bar soaps, liquid soaps, hand sanitizers, handwashes, and body mists to give you a luxurious fragrance throughout the day.
Since 1925, Lux has been serving women who take pride in their beauty. We not only offer quality beauty soaps at affordable prices but also continue to inspire women to express beauty and femininity fearlessly, in modern ways.
Although Lux women aspire to express beauty and femininity in the ways they want without the need to cover up, this is far from the reality that women face every day. Instead, women are constantly bombarded with judgments that dictate how they should live and behave. People around them always have opinions on how women should express themselves.
Lux believes that a woman's beauty should not be determined by anyone but herself. Women should be able to express their beauty and femininity as they please, without feeling guilty. Thus, the moment of bathing with Lux can enable a woman to indulge in self-care time that can contribute to her inner strength. This moment makes beauty a protector, a strength and ability to reclaim the meaning of beauty and fight against discrimination of various societal judgments.
Lux will continue to help women everywhere to fight sexist behavior at home, at work, and in the community. It is our commitment to reduce sexism and inspire women to overcome daily discrimination through content, activities and partnerships.
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